Sunday, November 12, 2006

Wow what a phenominal gator game yesterday. Sure we played like shit but we did what was neccesarry to win. Championship teams find ways to win and have luck go their way. That is the only way to describe the gators this year. They are scrappy and eke out games they shouldn't have any chance of winning. IT is so funny since my dr says I shouldn't watch football since it gets my bloodpressure up and she is worried I will have a burst aneurysm in my head. I thought I was going to see the bright white light after that game last night. I was hooting and hollering like I had just won the lottery. Twenty minutes after the game I was still feeeling my heart pounding.

On another totally unrelated topic, I had a suprise phone call today from a fellow gator who I hadn't talked to in yrs. It really cheered me up just hearing her voice. Of course the reason for that is she is like the hottest girl I have ever laid eyes on. Articulate, beautiful, educated, and cool as hell. I am amazed that this girl isn't married or at least dating someone seriously. She loves sports and is hot what more could a guy want, yet she can't keep a man around. My theory is that her pussy is so tight that no one can put it in her and therefore most guys just say fuck it and bail on her. Im speaking from first hand knowledge. She would probably kill me if she read this but since she has no idea bout this blog and lets face it no one reads it anyway fuck it.

In case anyone gives a fuck I shoudl let you all know that my mom is doing well after her surgery to remove two tumors from her lungs. She is still all fucked up in the hospital but they seem to be pretty sure that they got it all otu and that she should have a full recovery. I am a total mama's boy even if she had the bad taste to be a bulldog.

well if the bucs can win tomorrownight it will be a good weekend but I wouldn't pu tmoney on the bucs. I read somewhere that they havent coverd in any of their road games and the panthers havent covered in any of their home games. How do you put money ont hat game. Im just glad I had the smarts to pick the cocks and the underyesterday. Lets face it, The gators never cover any more and I knew it would be a defensive game. It was a close call at the end of the game but we prevailed and I won nicely.


Friday, November 03, 2006

I havent posted in god knows how long but so much fucked up shit has been going on that I just havent had the fucking time. First off those who know me knwo my mom has beenhaving a little bout with lung cancer so luckily it looks she is going to be ok and that htey got it all out of her. That is ahuge fucking relief.

Among other interesting things is that I am going to be trying to get on the next season of hells kitchen. That guy gordon ramsey is going to hav ehis hands full if they let me be ont hat show. My audition tape has me using fuck I think in every other word. I tell the camera I have a mouth like a fucking sailor or a two dollar whore. I am not going to be intimidated by that fucking semen toad. If I get on there Im going to win. Shit even my best friends wife said she would start up my online fan club.

Football has been depressing lately. the gators fucked up but maybe they have a shot at winning it all. As for the bucs well i would rather just not talk about them. They are playing like a bunch of fucking sissy assed pansies who take it inthe ass. Fuck them and their gay ass pirate ship. Maybe if the owner spent less time runnign manchester united he would notice that his first team sucks donkey cock.

Anyhow this is it for now because i have to go visit my mom in the hospital.