Monday, September 25, 2006

Unbelievable how bad the bucs luck is. Granted they suck ass this year and are probably going ot be int he running for the top pick but after today and what happened to simms I have to say we have no chance at even four wins. I have to give simms credit as he had some balls to keep playing with a ruptured spleen. I even felt bad for badmouthing him and saying he needed to seperate his non throwing shoulder but this is a bit more that i was hoping for. IM so heartbroken after that amazing comeback we had and so pissed at grudens ineptitude to call a bomb on 3rd and 5 with two minutes left. What was he thinking. IM justat a loss for words.

Thank god all my other teams won. the gators obviously took care of business and I think tim tebow is going to be pretty good next year. the defense could have been better but im not going to complain as i could have seen us having abig letdown after that win in knoxville. I hope we were looking ahead now to bama as I want to destroy them so I can give my boss shit.

Arsenal won 3-0 even without theirry henry which is pretty cool except for my fantasy team. Finally motherwell got a draw to rise to having four points ont he season. Shit they could go on a tear and win two games and be back in the mix to not get dropped.

This mornign on dan shanoof's blog i made a comment about louiville reminding me of a funny joke well here it is. These two rednecks from fla are going upt o t lexington for the uk game. When they stop at a gas station they ask the attendant how they pronounce the state capital. the first redneck says it is louis-ville while the other says it is lou-a-vul. The attendant says I don't know where you learned your geography but round these parts we pronounce it frankfurt. That joke reminds me of the horrible education system in florida and how much i hate the simple minded folks of kentucky. My finacee and I used to have a roomie from lexington and if she wasnt telling me how Uk bball was the best thing since sliced bread she was tellign me how great things were up in kentucky. There is nothig better than telling that bitch to go fuck herself after the gators demolish them in any sport.


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