Sunday, September 17, 2006

is it just me or is there nothing better than mick hubert saying "OH MY" whenever the gators score. Even better is when he goes Dallas Baker Touchdown Maker. I could hear those sweet words til the day I die and never get tired of them. What an amazing game. I could'nt believe that the gators actually won. Even more suprising was picking the final score. I actually won something for once. I miss spurrier as a coach because he would almost always cover the spread and you always took the over. I am too scared to bet on the gators anymore. Who thought that headfake by leak in the second half on the option was amazing. That guy couldn't sell a glass of water to a guy burning in hell but he sure sold that fake. I can't wait to get rid of him. He has got to be the whitest black guy ever. I think the old uf president lombardi was refering to hime when he made him infamous oreo comment. NOW we get to relax and play kentucky.. I just hope we dont look ahead to alabama.

How about the end of that oregon game. I like the ducks. Mostly because they are from a state where smoking pot isnt a big deal but you also have to respect a team named the ducks. Granted those uniforms suck ass but they are cool colors and you got to love the name the quack attack. Sounds like a bad disney cartoon.

I missed most of the miami game but I guess I didn't miss much seeing how badly they quit. When did miami become a team that just rolls over and plays dead? My buddy rob thinks it started about ten seconds into last yrs peach bowl. The really need to get rid of uncle fester as their coach. Even better is FSU losing the bowden bowl. I love watching the bowden family reunions. There is nothing more satisfying that watching 25 yrs of hard work go down the drain because the boss man is too proud to step down. The game has passed bobby by and I think he is losing touch with the players. I hope he sticks around for another ten yrs so we can beat up on him some more.

Lastly I am very disappointed in UCF. They had that game and they gave it away. I can't wait to roll by the practce facilities this week and watch o'leary make those boys run. They still looked better than miami and fsu though.

NOw if only my bucs can win today i will be in hog heaven. MY buddy tyler is a huge ron mexico fan. He is asshole who drafts vick for no reason other than liking him because he went to tech. He wanted me to draft him in the first round of our fantasy league. what a moron. I will offer you some pics but they will most likely be wrong. take the bucs, the bears, the bills, the broncos and the boys. actually dont take the bills they suck. Take the panthers. There is no way they suck that much.


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