Monday, September 18, 2006

Reflecting on the past weekends sporting events is always a bit of a letdown. I put so much energy into my teams yet what do I get in return? Nothing but heartache it seems. I am so incensed at how little effort the bucs are putting forth this yr that I am seriously considering not watching them. We haven't shown this little passion since the glory days of leeman bennett and sam wyche. I am so disappointed that I don't even want to waste my time writing about them. The devil rays aren't much better. They have lots of young talent but a coach who sucks. At least the ownership is trying to invest in some talent so that we can win. Id love to see a dmitri and delmon young 3/4 punch. You know we would win every bench clearing brawl with those two thugs. But we have to contend with the fucking spankme's and the sux and the blowjays. The orioles are just as pathetic as we are so they escape my ire. Thank god for my gators and their win on saturday. It was such a high watching them win that game but watching the bucs just brought me back down. So I decided to check out the European football leagues to see how my teams were doing. The shitty part about not having cable is not being able to see football from abroad before I watch our football. I miss watching arsenal make their run to an undefeated season which I think is infintely more difficult that what the 72 dolphins did. I guess it is a good thing to not have cable though because I don't see how shitty my football teams are. At least arsenal won and they are doing well in the champions league. Domestically they suck and are lucky to be midtable. I have a feeling that froggy wanker is pissing people off in the clubhouse. I guess I am getting this bad vibe from all the defections of the past few years. Viera, Sol, Ashley, reyes being a bitch. I think they are going to go back to the mediocrity of the 80's when i first fell under their spell.

Motherwell on the other hand is plain awful. They are like a division III football team taking on the cowboy teams of the mid 90's. They field a team of players whose average age is like 12 judging by all the peach fuzz on their faces. I can't believe they actually won a game a few weeks back. I know they will be relegated this yr making up for not getting shitcanned three yrs ago. It is a sad state of affairs in the southwest. How the mighty have fallen. Well not that they were ever really mighty although that title in 89 sure seems a long time ago. If only two yrs ago we had killed those fenian bastards. Oh well I guess I am doomed to loving teams that truly suck. Sometimes I think I will wake up one day and realize that the little bit of glory the gators have had was really just a long dream and that in fact I was in a coma and was imagining the whole thing. There is no way the bucs actually won a super bowl right. Did the gators really beat FSu for a national championship? No way in fucking hell.


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